Friday, August 22, 2008

Interested in prostitution? Work a political convention.

Here’s some breaking news – politicians like hookers.
According to this ABC News article, experts believe that the sex trade in Denver and Minneapolis will be booming during the political conventions that are scheduled to be held there. In fact, pimps and madams are trying to recruit employees by posting ads on Craig’s list!

Gonna be in Denver or Minneapolis during the same time as the conventions? Don’t plan on any special rates if you’re interested into giving to the sex-trade industry, unless of course you can provide proof of membership to one of the parties.

You’ve gotta love articles like this for bringing attention to little known organizations, such as Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics (COYOTE), a sex-workers right’s group out of San Francisco. You think they would have chosen a different name in order to have a better acronym. Do sex-workers really want to be associated with a group called COYOTE? Not if they are already coyote ugly. How about Sex Workers International Needs Group (SWING)! – Whoomp, there it is. Called it!

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