Thursday, August 21, 2008

A penny saved is a penny earned . . . by growing your own

Idiot. Genius. Entrepreneur. Call him what you want, but pothead John Daniel Miller III of Tyler, Texas, is just one of the many Americans trying to cut expenses in an inflating economy while still supporting their habits!

Miller (the third, a.k.a fancy pants) was arrested on August 18 when deputies confiscated more than 70 marijuana plants (valued at around $100,000) from his rural home. This budget-minded home gardener had landscaped his yard with the plants by encircling them in old tires and lining his driveway! Why? Because the cost of weed had gone up – apparently gas prices really are affecting EVERYTHING.

Too bad dealers don’t offer specials or coupons . . . but then they’d have to give receipts. Wait, they do give receipts – according to Whitney “Show me the Receipts” Houston.

What’s next? Hopefully, HGTV will show us all how the proper placement of marijuana plants can help liven up a homes exterior on “Hidden POTential.“

Read the story here.

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