Friday, August 22, 2008

Nancy Drew was kinda hot, but these teen sleuths may be questionable

Nancy Drew was kinda hot, but these teen sleuths may be questionable
At least on the cover art Nancy was hot. I know, I know, fictional character, but so is Jessica Rabbit – and she’s hot!

So, two New York City teenage girls recently used DNA testing to find that nearly 25 percent of fish sold in NYC stores and restaurants are incorrectly labeled and priced. For example, an establishment offering Mediterranean Red Mullet actually had Spotted Goatfish (that just sounds gross). There is still no clue whether this mix up is due to deception from the stores/restaurants or the suppliers.

This testing “was the first known student use of DNA barcoding technology in a public market.” This isn’t surprising considering most teenagers would never be caught dead doing something so dull, at least for free. And boys are too busy thinking about how to spread or spill their DNA than test it! If these smart girls are “beauty disadvantaged” I know a place in Australia that they can go (a callback to yesterday’s post). Yes, I know that not all smart girls are ugly and not all pretty girls are dumb.

A reenactment:

“Gee, Gina. It’s Friday night, whaddya’ wanna do?”
“Pillow fight?”
“I know, let’s go to our favorite sushi place and do some DNA barcoding!”
“Yay, I hoped you’d say that. We’re such BFFs!”

See the full article here.

(Editor’s Note: Looking back on it now, it is pretty cool! Good job girls. But I would have dogged you A LOT in high school, and I wasn’t that awesome – as compared to now.)

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